Why do we provide Great Pool Service?
The journey toward great pool service and Cover2Pools began long before this company was built. Serving others, building relationships is at the forefront of our day to day activities! We value courtesy & quality.
We confidently believe that excellence will be displayed with our skills and strong foundation in the pool industry. Technology is welcomed and admired, however, personal interaction and respect are the core values that we empower and employ in our day to day interaction with you, our customers.
We don’t lack in experience, we’ve been servicing pools in the Bay Area for well over twenty years. We understand and know your needs, and we will do what it takes to be the game-changer in the pool industry.
Cover2Pools, we’ve got you covered our pool services include, cleaning, maintenance, water and pool chemical balancing, pump maintanence, pool cleaning. Got a green pool? We can fix it!
Trusted & Experienced
Our clients are very important to us. With over 20 years of pool cleaning experience, Cover2Pools offers our clients the trust and experience they expect.
Reliable & Fully Insured
Cover2Pools is fully insured and provides reliable service.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions section for more info!
No-contract Pool Service
Our weekly full-service commitment does not require a contract.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
If you don’t like the service we provided, simply call us. Our satisfaction is guaranteed.
Have Questions About Pool Maintenance?
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page!
Pool Services in Pinellas County
Belleair, Belleair Beach, Belleair Bluffs, Belleair Shore, Clearwater, Dunedin, Gulfport, Indian Rocks Beach, Indian Shores, Kenneth City, Largo, Madeira Beach, North Redington Beach, Oldsmar, Pinellas Park, Redington Beach, Redington Shores, Safety Harbor, St. Pete Beach, St. Petersburg, Seminole, South Pasadena, Tarpon Springs, Treasure Island.